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Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that offers a promising approach to weight management, that also provides improved blood sugar control and cardiovascular support. 在适当的医疗指导和支持下, you can experience enhanced well-being and a better quality of life through Semaglutide在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.



Semaglutide Is Most Effective When Paired With A 体重管理 Program

最初用于澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网糖尿病, Semaglutide has seen an overwhelming rise in popularity since it became publicly available. 这是安全的. 它是有效的. 然而, 达到长期效果, the prescription is best paired with a comprehensive wellness program that fits your lifestyle.

Dr. Weston and her team partner with you to discuss your goals, discomforts and daily life. They use this information to create your fully customized, sustainable weight management program — one that you can carry with you long into the future.

记住: Semaglutide acts as a supplement to the behavioral changes and the work that you put in for yourself!


Semaglutide有三个主要功能, each of which can lead to decreased appetite and safe weight loss. 首先,它模仿了 GLP-1激素, the hormone that is released in the gut as we eat that tells the brain that we are full. This effectively slows gastric emptying which means digestion will be throttled and we get fuller faster while feeling fuller longer.

Secondly, Semaglutide increases the body’s insulin secretion which helps to decrease our blood sugar. Finally, it decreases glucagon; glucagon is responsible for increasing our blood glucose. Lowering and controlling blood sugar are critical steps when it comes to reducing cravings and keeping energy levels consistent.

最近的研究,如 维持试验, have indicated promising cardiovascular benefits associated with Semaglutide use.

The trials have shown a reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events in individuals with type 2 diabetes who are at high risk of cardiovascular complications. 血糖控制之外, Semaglutide’s mechanisms are believed to lead directly to decreased arterial stiffness and potential anti-atherosclerotic properties.

Semaglutide is usually administered via subcutaneous injection once a week, using either a syringe that the patient fills themselves or a pre-filled pen device for ease of use. Typical placements for the injection are under the skin in the lower stomach or inner thigh.

Dosage can vary based on individual patient needs and response to the medication, typically starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing as recommended by your provider.


  • 恶心想吐
  • 呕吐
  • 腹泻
  • 腹部不适

*These symptoms often subside as the body adjusts to the medication.

Precautions should be taken in patients with a history of pancreatitis or thyroid problems. Your private consultation with our team is crucial before starting Semaglutide treatment.

我们关注的是你,是你的进步 & 你的舒适

Weight management can be both physically and emotionally challenging. We emphasize the importance of compassionate care and support throughout the treatment process. Our functional medicine professionals are dedicated to providing guidance, answering questions and ensuring you feel supported in your journey to better health.

Dr. Weston正在讨论Semaglutide患者计划


Dr. Weston and her team of weight loss experts are here to help you live your best life! 关于Semaglutide还有其他问题吗? We invite you to get in touch with us today to ask those questions and discuss your goals.

